The Anatomy of Frank is the best band in the world

The Anatomy of Frank is the best band in the world right now.

“But Tommy - you haven’t HEARD all of the bands in the world, how can you say that so confidently?”

Well you’re right friendly reader - I have not heard all of the bands in the world, so I can not be 100% sure that the Anatomy of Frank are the best band in the world. However, do me a favor: go here and listen to Blurry Part II through Blurry Part III with headphones on. Give it the full 11 minutes it deserves. If you prefer something more update, listen to Bill Murray through Hey SATAN! Your choice.

Now tell me: do they deserve to be in the conversation? Yes, the do. They are incredible. Further, my usual go-to choices for “best band in the world”, Radiohead and Arcade Fire, have both been making the worst music of their careers lately. FURTHER - I have heard a few of the tracks that will be on the Anatomy of Frank’s new album, and they make Pangea (their last album, which was a masterpiece) look like Pablo Honey. It’s going to be amazing. To top it off, their live show will actually change your life for the better. You should see people who come out of Anatomy of Frank shows for the first time - they are changed.

They’re about to make history: 7 albums, one for each Continent on earth, each recorded on that respective Continent - including Antarctica. This is going to be a wild, amazing, and rewarding ride for us all and they need your help. Let’s smash their Kickstarter goal to pieces and support the best band in the world right now in their quest to become the GREATEST band in the world. Give now, Give often.


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